Monday, May 04, 2015

Target Data Breach Settlement

If You Shopped at Target from November 27 through December 18, 2013
or Received Notice That Your Personal Information Was Compromised,
You Could Get Money for Losses from a Data Breach Settlement.
A Settlement has been proposed in lawsuits against Target Corporation (“Target”) relating to Target customers whose credit/debit card information or personal information was stolen as a result of a data breach that was first disclosed on December 19, 2013 (“Target Data Breach”). Target’s records show you are included in this Settlement and may be eligible for a cash payment. Visit for more information or to file a claim.
Who is included in the Settlement? You are a member of the Class if: (1) you shopped at a Target store and used your credit or debit card from November 27-December 18, 2013; (2) you provided your contact information to Target before December 18, 2013; or (3) your bank, credit card company, or other financial institution issued you a new credit or debit card shortly after December 2013 and informed you that your old card may have been compromised. If you received a notice directly about the Target Data Breach, you are a Class Member.
What does the Settlement provide? The $10 million Settlement Fund will provide payments to consumers who have had losses caused by the Target Data Breach. If you are included, you can choose between two types of payments:
If you have documentation, you can receive reimbursement of losses up to $10,000. These losses include unauthorized, unreimbursed charges; certain costs and fees; and lost or restricted access to funds among other things.
If you do not have documentation, you may be eligible for an equal share of the Settlement Fund remaining after payment of claims for documented losses and service payments. For example, if the total of service payments awarded by the Court plus documented claims adds up to $1 million and 300,000 Settlement Class Members submit valid claims without documentation, you will receive $30 from the Settlement Fund. The amount of actual payments will depend on the amount of claims received.
How can I get a Payment? Submit a Claim Form online or by mail by July 31, 2015. The payment amount you receive will be based on the amount of losses you can document and/or the amount of claims filed.
What are my rights? Even if you do nothing, you will be bound by the Court’s decisions. If you want to keep your right to sue Target yourself, you must exclude yourself from the Settlement by July 31, 2015. If you stay in the Settlement, you may object to it by July 31, 2015.
The Court will hold a hearing on November 10, 2015 to consider whether to approve the Settlement, a request for attorneys’ fees and costs up to $6,750,000 to be paid by Target, and service payments of up to $500 each for the Settlement Class Representatives (up to $1,000 each for the three Class Representatives who were deposed). You or your own lawyer may appear and speak at the hearing at your own expense.
For More Information and to File a Claim:   1-866-680-5931
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